
Friday, 27 July 2012

So, what am I lusting after most as of late? .... 

1. "Breath of Plum" by Mac.  I think plum colours have a certain air of sophistication to them while, comparatively,  the peach/pinker tones are much more fun and flirty.  My usual - NARS Orgasm - also has a gold shimmer to it while this one does not.  Another sign of sophistication ;) 

2. Macadamia Natural Oil "Deep Repair Masque."  These deep repair masks - especially the Macadamia and Moroccan oil ones -  have been all the rave these past few months.  I'm really starting to get into hair products as of late, and I've actually seen this brand at my local Rexall and it smells wonderful!  Would be nice to try out the oil as well.....

3. Cake "It's a Slice" Body Wash.  On my last visit to Sephora, the bestie and I stumbled across the "Cake" section - all of these products smell simply DIVINE!  Oh my goodness, what a delightful smelling shower that would be.... 

4. "Cusp of Dawn" by Mac.  Last week I was all about my bright pink lipstick (which I did buy, have yet to test out and review) .... and this week I'm all about the nudes!  Cusp of Dawn appears to be very neutral, and I rather enjoy how a neutral colour comes off on my lips... 

5. Eyeko Skinny Brush Mascara "Long and Tall."  If I am going to leave the house without any makeup whatsoever, the least I will put on is mascara.  Mascara is my number one, can't live without product.  I find - and this is just my opinion - as long as I lengthen my lashes and make my eyes pop, I look put together.  And I just feel more comfortable .... hate going without mascara... I feel so naked.  Lengthening mascaras are always under my radar - length above anything else such as volume etc ...

6. Mac 217, Blending Brush.  The dome shape allows one to blend easily into the crease as well as get/blend colour into the outer V.  The pointed top allows for precision ... I lust after any brush that makes blending eyeshadow look fabulous! 

7. Mac 224, Tapered Blending Brush.  This also works for blending in the crease, and helps to blend out harsh lines .... even though it's quite similar, a girl's allowed to have a variety, right??? 

8. Sideways Cross -  I think the idea is neat and seeing some of the celebrities wear it, I think it looks very elegant and dainty...

So there you have it.... my wishlist as of this week.

I'm sorry all of these posts are delayed/posted on the wrong day.  Family things have kept me from blogging .... but I'm trying to keep up with it a bit just so I don't fall into a rut and wallow. 

Take care, 
Have a great weekend.  I doubt I'll be blogging much this weekend ...


P.S - this is a very light application of a neutral lip (it's actually a liner that I used fully on my lips, and then covered with a orange/pink lip gloss) ... It's very subtle, but I at least can tell that's not my natural lip colour ... I have a more pinkish tone to my bare lips .... :)

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