
Monday, 25 June 2012

Importance of Keeping Fit: 

As of late, I have been a total fitness nut.  I've cut down on certain foods and have incorporated some type of workout/exercise into my daily routine.  The more extreme details can be found on my Weight Loss Blog - but I figured it was important to talk about here as well, as exercise and the foods you put into your body have an effect on your well-being and skin.  

If you think about it, exercise promotes healthy circulation.  Increasing blood flow will then carry away "waste products" such as those nasty bacteria cells that cause acne in the first place!  It's kind of like this: blood rushing through your system will flush away the dirt cells in your skin.  (Source)

Keeping active also promotes healthy eating.  Who really wants to eat a Big Mac after sweating your butt off?    Not I!  I feel as though that would only diminish all the hard work I have just performed.

Lastly, exercise releases those happy endorphins that we all could use a little more of in our day-to-day lives.  That's why going for a walk or a run is always recommended when you are stressed or need to just walk away from something.  Creating more and more of those happy surges is simply something we could ALL benefit from - common sense! 

Within the past week, I have purchased the following fitness items: 

1) A pair of good Running/Walking Shoes: 

Brand: Champion Performance.  This particular shoe is a member of their "Activelite" Line. 

Price: $15 at Payless (Reg. $47.99 but I snagged this pair on sale!) 

Benefits: Their lightweight quality allows for flexibility, the shoe is EVA cushioned (meaning that it's cushioned in both heel and toe so as to absorb impact and pressure on my feet), it contains breathable mesh, & the heel was constructed in such a way so as to provide stability for my Achilles tendon.  

I cannot remember the last time I bought myself a pair of runners.  And, to be honest, up until now, I didn't really own a pair.  I figured, now that I walk on the treadmill every other day, it is important to invest in a pair of shoes that will provide support and NOT harm my legs in the long run.  Just because I don't feel it now, a continuous use of improper shoes can lead to foot/leg problems in the near future and I would much rather avoid that at all costs! 

This shoe, as the name might suggest (ActiveLITE) is super lightweight.  Something that instantly drew me to them.  They are also quite comfortable.  I think it was a $15 well spent! :)   

2) Workout Shorts: 

Brand: Garage

Price: 2 for $18.00 

I think it is important to designate specific workout shorts, apart from your everyday shorts.  Not all shorts may be ideal for working out in.
The above pair are very light, soft, and made out of breathable material.  Not to mention they are adorable, right?! LOL.  When I first laid eyes on them, they looked just perfect for the job; and so they are! 

Anywhos, that ends my little bout on exercise.

Just wanted to share my two new fitness items. 

Now go out there and get a good workout into your day!  It can be a 15 min workout, a 30 min workout, an hour workout .... any type of movement that increases your heart rate is better then no movement at all :) 

Take care, 

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